ClassroomParent — a locally developed communication and family engagement platform — is our school’s main tool for communicating with families via email and text messages. The school sends a weekly update with announcements and calendar items scheduled for the week ahead. Your child’s guide will also send a weekly email with news relevant to your child’s classroom only, along with details about their plans for the week.
ClassroomParent also serves as a directory for families – use it to find contact information for your children’s classmates or to find connections for carpool. ClassroomParent is also used as a tool to recruit volunteers for various opportunities to support the school.
Please contact the main office if you have any questions about ClassroomParent or need help signing up. Paper copies of announcements are also available.
If you use social media, please consider following us on Facebook and Instagram; our Seed to Table program is also on Instagram. We post helpful resources, general school news, and photos of our community in action.
© 2017-2018 Baltimore Montessori, Inc.